Health Benefits of Eating Lobster

Health Benefits of Eating Lobster

Health Benefits of Eating Lobster

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Lobster is a sought-after delicacy typically prepared by steaming or boiling. People eat it as a main course or sandwich filler. But sometimes, it is added to rich dishes, such as eggs Benedict, pasta, and mashed potatoes.

Lobster is known as an expensive and delicious dish. While people often buy lobsters in the market, some order them online. There are even those who prefer to buy only certain lobster parts. For example, some ask online stores to ship fresh lobster tails to them.

However, lobster has a bad reputation for increasing cholesterol levels, which is a misconception. Many don’t know that this crustacean has nutritional value and offers several health benefits. It’s a rich source of selenium and copper. It also has phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E, B12, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Although it may have high overall fat content, it’s not harmful to the body. In recent studies, researchers found that not all cholesterol content in food is dangerous to the body.

In this article, you’ll discover the health benefits of eating lobster and its risks.

Boosts Mental and Brain Health

Vitamin B12 and Omega-3s are vital in promoting brain and mental health. Eating lobster can help boost your brain function and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Omega-3s and Vitamin B12 also help lessen the risk of depression, stroke, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. So, adding lobster to your diet can be beneficial for the wellness of your brain and mental faculties.

Prevents Anemia

Anemia occurs when your body lacks red blood cells, or the red blood cells aren’t functioning correctly. It can also be a sign of copper deficiency.

Lobster is rich in copper, essential in forming red blood cells. So, eating lobster can help prevent anemia.

Have Anti-Cancer Effects

Diets rich in selenium, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) provide adequate protection against various types of cancer. These include lung, breast, prostate, colorectal, liver, gastric, and ovarian cancers.

Omega-3s also have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. They help minimize the growth and spread of tumors, which may lead to cancer cell death.

Moreover, the DHA in lobsters enhances the effect of cisplatin on the spread of tumors and death. Cisplatin is a common drug used in chemotherapy. DHA is also beneficial in minimizing drug-induced reactions.

Prevents Heart Disease

One of the primary sources of death in the US is heart disease. Healthcare experts recommend eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids regularly to prevent heart issues.

Long-chain omega-3s, such as DHA and EPA, help prevent heart disease. Seafood species that offer high amounts of both are the most effective, including lobster.

Reduces the Risk of Thyroid Disease

Selenium is an essential component of healthy thyroid function. It works as an antioxidant, which helps the thyroid absorb and metabolize hormones.

A study has shown that patients with thyroid disease experience significant benefits when their selenium intake increases. Some benefits are enhanced general well-being, improved thyroid function, and better moods.

Risks of Eating Lobster

If you have a shellfish allergy, avoid eating lobster. Also, it has a moderate mercury level, so you should only eat it six times or less a month.

Also, as pregnant women should avoid eating food with potentially high-mercury content, they shouldn’t eat lobsters. It is also advisable to only buy fresh and adequately refrigerated lobster to reduce the risk of food-borne disease. Avoid exposing lobsters to warm temperatures before cooking, and discard them if they smell overly fishy.

Lobsters Can Be Beneficial to Your Health

A healthy diet is vital for proper body function and disease prevention. However, while eating lobster offers many health benefits, you must also know its risks. So always be mindful of eating only the freshest lobster to achieve good health.

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