How To Do An App Version Analysis Like A Professional Developer?

How To Do An App Version Analysis Like A Professional Developer?

How To Do An App Version Analysis Like A Professional Developer?

The version distribution analysis is an interesting model or concept. It enables a user or developer to analyze the real-time performance of apps. If you have an app version in your hand, you can check if the current version is working or if there needs to be a new one. You can get data that translates to your active user percentage, average page views of different versions, and the average interval between activities.

You comprehensively understand the app’s performance while studying the user experience. You also learn about user behavior, preferences, usage patterns, and more. From this analysis model, you gain a deep understanding of your target customers. You can study reports about user attributes and events that modify user behavior.

What Are The Prerequisites That You Have To Follow? 

A user or developer needs to have access to a Huawei Developer account. Also, ensure you have a Huawei phone with an HMS or other improved versions. You will also need a desktop or laptop with Jdk 1.8, Android Studio, Gradle 4.6, and SDK platform 26. If you do not have these installed, find reliable websites and get them ready before starting the project.

What Is The Main Purpose Of The Analysis?

Here are some pointers that you will get after the analysis. You will get to know who uses your app and why they interact with the application. You will also learn which part they interact with the most and their choices. So, you get a good idea about why certain features are more popular than others.

You may remove some existing features or develop the preferable ones. In that way, you can improve the user experience by making the app more user-friendly. Also, if you have features that are not functioning well, work on how to make them accessible.

Analyze if the app can meet all practical goals like brand awareness, revenue, and KPIs. Study the comprehensive data, and you can draw your conclusion as per your understanding. As you test various versions, you can understand the sweet spot that you have to target.

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Important Ideas That You May Keep In Mind

The first thing is to make sure that you have a registered account in the company portal. Without that, there is no point in trying. You also have to enable the analytics service option under Huawei. You will find this function under App Gallery. Also, get the latest version of HMS Core.

Check to ensure that the agconnect-services.json file is present in the application folder. Also, remember to check that you add the SHA-256 fingerprint and other dependencies without failure.

Where to Find the Details of the Data?

Select a particular project and check the data if you want to check the version analysis report. You will find relevant information under Learn More, and you can then choose Events or Users. You can also check for crashes and decode how to solve them. A detailed crash report can help you debug the version.

You can also check the app version adoption rate. That way, you can understand which top 5 versions are trending. So, explore the tool to know more.

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